June 29, 2020
Trajecsys, the leader in Centralized Clinical Recordkeeping™ for Allied Health and Nursing programs, is pleased to announce they will be the sole sponsor for AARC LIVE! 2020’s Day 1, July 7th session: Maintaining Academic Integrity in a Virtual Environment or Evaluation in a Virtual Environment, presented by Joe Coyle, MD, FCCP.
Dr. Coyle’s track will begin at 1:50 p.m. CST and will focus on program concerns for academic integrity for all respiratory therapy educators, regardless of how students complete their educational activities. Dr. Coyle will address the unique and ongoing challenges online education poses to maintaining academic integrity, as well as discussing a reaffirmation of the importance of professionalism and ethical behavior among trainees.
Trajecsys has been a leader in providing tools for Respiratory Care programs for many years, giving our clients the tools to maintain a high level of academic integrity to meet their challenges with laboratory and clinical competency evaluations in a virtual environment.
Trajecsys was eager to support and sponsor AARC’s virtual learning event given our focus on similar values for clinical competencies and other related clinical activities. The pandemic has forced many programs to reconsider going virtual with the didactic portion of their programs, while many Respiratory Therapy programs have already been able to go virtual with their clinical recordkeeping with Trajecsys.
“While everyone is affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, I want to let you know that Trajecsys remains open and focused on maintaining our workforce and keeping up our level of customer support for our customers during this tough time,” assures Brian S. Bright, M.Ed., Trajecsys CEO. He goes on to say: “Trajecsys is well equipped to quickly assist any program looking to switch with our proven platform, which allows them to be ready for the next clinical rotation.”
To access more information on AARC’s virtual event or to register for this event, please use this link: https://www.aarc.org/aarc-meetings/live-2020/day-one.php
The American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) is a non-profit organization and is the only professional organization supporting Respiratory Care in the United States. In addition to attempting to help lobby for beneficial legislation nationally and locally, the AARC promotes the profession through advocacy, clinical and educational resources, and career services among others, to increase interest and membership.

Trajecsys (http://www.trajecsys.com) was founded in 2005 by two educators. It features an online clinical management and tracking system for students of health-related programs. From its inception 15 years ago, Trajecsys has focused on customer service and collaborative customer support and is now used by nearly 1600 programs nationwide in thousands of clinical sites. Its flexibility enables Trajecsys to support over 60 unique modalities, including Respiratory care. Trajecsys maintains a supportive relationship with The Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC) (http://www.coarc.com) and attends and supports annual AARC conferences and events. CoARC accredits entry into professional practice programs in respiratory care at the Associate, Baccalaureate, and Master’s Degree level in the United States and its territories.